Tulse Hill Methodist Church
Tulse Hill Methodist Church
138 Christchurch Road
London SW2 3DQ
Pastoral Oversight: Rev. Lena Ali
Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m.
Junior Church: 10:30 a.m.
Thursday: 7:00 p.m. Choir Practice
On Bus Routes: 2, 201, 415, 432, 689, 690, P13
Directions: See map below
Looking back at our humble beginnings, we merged with Brixton & Streatham Circuit first followed by Lambeth Mission Circuit and now with Clapham Circuit. It was for us, a journey of faith guided by God.
We as a church family, held events and activities such as social evenings and quiz nights etc to raised funds for our Church projects. Our members always get together faithfully to support projects and activities and with the help of the Circuit we managed to accomplish one of our biggest projects, dedicating our new organ in Sept 2016.
As we look back – we haven’t done any of those inspiring acts of love recently because of the pandemic. Now that we are easing slowly to normality (whatever that will be) we look forward to new challenges and opportunities of service with in and out of the church.
Our 150th Church birthday/anniversary was celebrated in 2022. We give God all the Glory & Praise for sustaining our church and congreagation with His unlimited blessings over the years and we were blessed with His guiding presence.
With a lot of prayers and guidance from God, we once again wish to undertake the biggest project we as a church family would embrace - the redevelopment of our old church bulding. In God's provision we always rely and trust.
Allow us to share our fondest memories and inspiration on our journey of faith - our past, our present and our future.

As you've seen above our past, present and our planned future church bulding, which we pray for, so hard and we also need your prayers to support our future project to materialise. To God be Glory and Praise...
Our Church Family Events & Activities